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Contact System


You can search now a contact fast, without searching with scrollbar and search his name very hard.
You can see how many contacts are online and offline on your list, contacts don’t duplicate, (Family, Friends, Guild).



You can search now a contact fast, without searching with scrollbar and search his name very hard.
You can see how many contacts are online and offline on your list, contacts don’t duplicate, (Family, Friends, Guild)
Just type the first characters in the contact name for a quick search.

What means profile settings?
Here you can add your profile information and players can see them when speaking with you on private chat (PM).

  • Status – It can be a state of yours or anything else you can represent.
  • Location – You can choose exactly where you are, there are over 150 countries that can be selected.
  • Birthdate – It is your date of birth.

These options may remain inactive or deactivated always when the player wants, their changes are in real-time.

At the moment emoticons aren’t available as photos, just as text, on next update will be like in the video.